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Pros and cons of Stoptober and Go Sober for October

Every year, initiatives like Stoptober and Go Sober for October encourage people to challenge unhealthy habits, focussing on quitting smoking or giving up alcohol for the entire month. These campaigns have grown in popularity, offering a chance to reset and focus on healthier living. But while they bring clear benefits, they’re not without their challenges.

One of the biggest advantages of these campaigns is the noticeable health improvements they offer. For those participating in Stoptober, quitting smoking for just can have an immediate positive impact. Lung function begins to improve, circulation gets better, and the risk of heart disease starts to decline. Similarly, taking a break from alcohol for Go Sober for October can do wonders for your body. People often report better sleep, clearer skin, improved liver function, and a boost in mental well-being. For many, these physical changes serve as a strong motivator to stay the course.

Beyond the health benefits, these campaigns also create a sense of community support. There’s something encouraging about knowing that thousands of others are taking on the same challenge at the same time. The availability of apps, forums, and social media groups allows participants to share their struggles and successes, providing a much-needed sense of solidarity. This kind of support network can make a huge difference, especially when temptation arises.

Another valuable aspect of taking part in these challenges is the opportunity for self-reflection. Many participants find that stepping away from smoking or drinking, even for a short time, helps them better understand their relationship with these substances. It can be eye-opening to see just how ingrained these habits are in daily life. This awareness can inspire more permanent lifestyle changes, well beyond the month of October.

Go Sober for October has an additional benefit: it allows people to raise money for charity. The campaign supports Macmillan Cancer Support, so participants are not only improving their own health, but also contributing to a great cause. This extra motivation can help keep people committed to the challenge, as they know their efforts are making a wider impact.

A lit cigarette

However, these campaigns aren’t without their downsides. One of the main criticisms is that they can sometimes feel like a quick fix. While quitting smoking or alcohol for a month is a great achievement, the risk is that many people revert to their old habits as soon as November rolls around. For those with more entrenched dependencies, a month-long break might not be enough to bring about lasting change.

There’s also the issue of pressure. These challenges are meant to be empowering, but for some people, they can feel like a lot to take on. The pressure to succeed—especially with friends, family, or colleagues cheering them on—can be overwhelming. If someone slips up, it may lead to feelings of guilt or failure, which can be counterproductive. And for those who choose not to participate, it can sometimes feel as though there’s an expectation to join in, which can create unnecessary social pressure.

Another challenge is the timing. October, with its darker evenings and colder weather, is often a social time of year, making it difficult to avoid alcohol in certain situations. People may feel isolated or left out at gatherings where drinking is a norm. Additionally, for those with a heavy reliance on smoking or alcohol, quitting suddenly can trigger withdrawal symptoms, and they may need more comprehensive support to manage the process safely.

While Stoptober and Go Sober for October (and of course Dry January) offer great opportunities for change, making those changes permanent can be more challenging. This is where hypnotherapy can be an effective tool. Hypnotherapy works by addressing the subconscious patterns that drive smoking and alcohol consumption. It helps reframe unhealthy habits and strengthen motivation, making it easier to resist cravings and maintain new behaviours beyond the initial challenge period. By focusing on long-term mindset shifts, hypnotherapy can support lasting change, helping people not just quit for a month, but embrace a healthier lifestyle for good.

These campaigns provide a valuable starting point for anyone looking to quit smoking or cut down on alcohol, but for those seeking deeper, more enduring results, tools like hypnotherapy can make a real difference in turning temporary success into lifelong transformation.


Malcolm Struthers Hypnotherapy - Online and in-person in Dumfries & Galloway


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